Sunday, August 2, 2009

Jungle Cruise

So I just returned from a great weekend of visiting family and friends. Friday was dedicated to my grandparents and chilling with them was awesome! I love hang out with my family, retracing my roots, and slowing life down. Saturday was all about the college buddies and fraternity brothers. JHAB, was awesome and it was great to reconnect and see the progress my friends have made since graduating college. Today was spent on quality time with my younger brother, which included hanging out at the happiest place on earth, Disneyland! Pretty tired from the drive back, but decided to write a quick post.

So a couple things have been running through my mind. First, the idea of "success as the best type of revenge." Think about it... everyone in their life, some more than others, have been disregarded, underestimated, over-looked, doubted or been told you "you cant do that" or "you will never become that." The black child who tells his doctor he wants to be just like him, just to get told "you'll never be one." Later on in life, that same boy becomes a world-renowned physician. Or a peasant women from the fields of Guatemala, being underestimated/disregarded for being a women. Deprived of schooling, she self educates and wins a Nobel peace prize. Even in my community, kids being told the wouldn't make it in life, they should drop out, sell drugs or join the military. They turn around, deny the haters their pleasure and become college graduates! The resiliency of these types of people is astounding! I have also found myself standing victorious over my nay-sayers and doubters, and it feels great. I am realizing the best response to oppressive/negative ill-will is success. It is the the power to overcome all the doubts and succeed; surpassing expectation and crushing peoples hopes for your failure. If you are reading this, I am sure you have had a situation or experience you can relate to. How great does it feel when you prove someone wrong? I equate that feeling to stick my middle fingers in the air and saying "look at me now, puto!" Okay, I know its not proper to flip someone off or taunt or say "puto," but that is the feeling I get. Middle Fingers in the air, asking people to keep doubting me, because they only fuel my drive and success.

And the second idea floating around my mind is having the "fear of failure, fueling your success"... Goodnight y'all, keep living that West LA lifestyle!


Jacklyn said...

i wore my ears around the house yesterday living vicariously through you.

Jennifer M. said...

Good post. I agree that this is the best revenge. But you know what else is the best revenge? Maui.