Monday, August 10, 2009

To the woman I love...

Dear mama,

You are appreciated. The last few years I have de-celebrated your birthday and skimpped out on visiting you, getting you a Rad gift or at the very least sending you flowers. I give you a call, say "happy birthday", but its lacked the emphasis it needs. At the very least, your birthday, should be a day where you are reminded of everything you have provided me: unconditional love, continuous support, and resources to succeed. And these things I describe didn't come easy either. For many years, you raised me by yourself and your love was never lacking. During that time you worked three jobs, ya you missed some of my school activities, but I never missed a meal, a notebook, a backpack, or money to go see a movie. Through adversity, you stood there as my rock. As other family members left me, you were the constant, picking up the slack for a missing father. I can never express how much your resolve, resiliency, and optimism influenced me and shape the person I am now. Everyday, I am empowered by your memories and love. My success is attributed to you and the change I make in my community is a way to represent you.

Your birthday is eight days away and I have plenty of time to create/buy/send something great for your birthday. I think this birthday is more symbolic because I will soon be 25 years old, no longer a child, but not yet a grown man. I still think the best gift for your birthday is acknowledgment and appreciation.

I finally understand
for a woman it ain't easy tryin to raise a man, but you always was committed
A poor single mother (on welfare), tell me how ya did it?
There's no way I can pay you back
But the plan is to show you that I understand
You are appreciated

And all my childhood memories
Are full of all the sweet things that you did for me
And even though I act craaazy
I gotta thank the Lord that you made me
You are appreciated
- Tupac

1 comment:

Jennifer M. said...

I like this post, love the Tupac reference, and especially love your magnificent use of the word "rad." Well done.