Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Public Library: A Savage Garden

Oh the hustle and bustle of a public library, truly one of my favorite places to be. One of the first things I do after moving to a new city is apply for a public library card. I seem to have an affinity with public libraries. It grows from my fascination of books, literature, and the acquisition of knowledge. Childrens books, young adult, fiction, government publication, references, and multimedia; all housed under one roof.

On an given day, a child could be reading their first words... an immigrant learning English with the language acquisition programs under-resourced student who lacks a computer, internet, or printer can be on equal terms with anyone else...or a grandson can be assisting his grandmother with her citizenship test in the midst of all the great books on America's history and its political structure.

One day, I want to be a "Patron of the Library." When I grow old and no longer want to work in higher education I will volunteer at a public library. Chilling at 75, working a reference desk or assisting students with the Dewey decimal system. After writing this is it too late to get a Masters in Library Science?

This has been a "me" day. One were I escape the real world, just like people do when they read a book, and focus on myself. I am glad to have had this time to reflect. I am also glad for the readers of this blog who understand me and enjoy my stuff.

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