Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pay your dues

Its all about respect and putting in time. Everyday, I hear... "pay your dues," "stick it out for a year or two," or "just get the experience and move on." I get it! No one becomes a director in a week or a university president in a year. But to limit someones voice and invalidated their lived experiences is another thing. Yes, I am a graduate student, but I also have life experience, a commitment to social justice, passion towards assisting students and a never-ending hope that education moves are people forward.

My idea on paying your dues...If I want to become a doctor, I don't mind sweeping the hospital floors, if I know the overall experience would be beneficial. But, it seems like i'm taking out the trash and will never be seen as a potential physician... I am a humble person, hard to believe, I do not think any task is menial, I am above nothing. I believe in the "I wouldn't ask someone to do something, I wouldn't do" philosophy. In my practice, I give max effort and energy. As of late though, the work I do doesn't motivate me, the environment I work in is drastically change from what I once knew it as, and I feel it deteriorating my work-ethic and "spirit."

Bottom line, my goal in life is to improve society and help my community overcome obstacles and empowering them to achieve their dreams. This can take on many forms, but I have chosen progressing my community through educational outreach. I Know that education is the greatest transformative agent in society. With that being said, I have no problem, being in an entry-level position for years, doing what I LOVE. I have no issue "paying my dues" and putting in years of effort to progress my aspirations.

I am free willed, an independent thinker, and hate hierarchical structures. I need to move forward and find an environment the feeds into my passion and helps me progress.

Where are you in your life? What aspirations do you still seek? Have you been complacent in life? Are you moving forward and following your dreams? What hinders you from being successful? What do you want to accomplish next?

These are questions I will ask myself to continual self-assess my progress in life. Helping me reflect on where I've been and where I want to go.

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