Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hello, My Name is Earl

So, lately I've been getting feedback about my personality and approachability. This is something I have work hard on for the last four years. I use to acknowledge that I was stoic and displayed a detachment form emotions, but now I understand that is not the best way to be. As always, I acknowledge my flaw and working on becoming a better version of me.

I don't want to be bubbly, but I also don't want to seem unapproachable or unhappy. Peoples feedback is usually "smile more," "show off your personality" or "its okay to show a piece of yourself, you don't always have to try to be perfect... let people see your cracks." I think I have had enough feedback to realize that I am not the most approachable person and that my personality doesn't send rays of sunshine. I am a happy person, I think I am a very social person, but I also tend not to invest "myself" easily. Time to move forward...

"I'm just trying to be a better person" -earl hickey

1 comment:

Jennifer M. said...

Love it. Again, great post.