Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Disappointment with the CSUs

Disillusioned; I believed in the California State University (CSU) System as the nation's #1 public higher education system. The CSU system provided access and affordability to all Californians seeking a postsecondary education, especially underrepresented students. I understand the global economic recession and the poor economy we face here in California. With this crisis, we have seen the federal government attempt to decrease the Pell Grant (although it will increase this fiscal year) and state government (Arny) attempt to TERMINATe(OR) the Cal Grant. At the same time, Chancellor Reed has called this period the "most devastating year" in the CSUs history; including cut in enrollment numbers, mandated furloughs, tuition hikes, and system-wide budget cuts at or above 200 million, with an overall 584 million budget deficit.

It is hard for me to still think that the CSU is the solution to bridging the achievement gap in Enrollment Rates, Persistence, & Degree Attainment. Staying positive is difficult, but I must! I am a product of the CSU system and stand by the transformational power this institution has on society. I hope the state and the CSU system can find a way to continue providing affordable and accessible education to all that seek it.

The CSU Board of Trustees will vote on the entire action plan to address the $584 million deficit at its July 21 meeting. For more info check out:

When tuition increases and financial aid decreases, many bright students are kept out of our institutions just because of the lack of objectified capital. These budget related decisions will definitely add to the problems facing our educational pipeline. As an educator, this makes me wondering how we can continue to provide access to higher education for all students who seek a postsecondary education.

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