Sunday, March 14, 2010

Raisin my self and my community

Do you remember the play "A Raisin in the Sun?" or the poem "Harlem?" About people trying to make it and do something big with their lives. In this play, the family had big dreams, but was challenged by the struggles of life. Being resilient, the family overcame their obstacles and achieved their dream. What these two literary pieces taught me was that the future can seem uncertain and difficult, but with optimism and determination we can live out our dreams successfully.

Well that's what this blog is about. Its about me declaring my dreams and staying accountable to my true self. What happen to those dreams I had as a child? I remember wanting to joining the Air Force and become a fighter pilot. In high school, I wanted to be a history teacher. Why history? History teaches us the past and shapes future. This blog is to let out all the ideas I have about the rest of my life. I need to get these ideas out before I forget them or allow them to become a "dream deferred." I will defer my dreams no longer!

As some leadership book taught me...lets start with the end in mind. My first goal is my last goal. And my last goal, is my first goal to accomplish.

1. Community Resource Center
I have a inner passion to serve my Latino community and address many of the issues we face. Socioeconomic struggle, lack of college preparation, racial discrimination, inability to progress are the issues I will target. How? Community Engagement and Educational Outreach. My ultimate dream is to create a Community Resource Center. A place that engages the community in uplifting itself through culturally relevant programs that build self-advocacy skills, improves social/economic capital, and educates people on how to progress in society.

What would this space look like? First it would be a free service to all community members regardless of age, ethnicity, income level, religion, or immigration status.

Primarily this would be a center that promoted cultural diversity and appreciation. Second, it would have a mission to educate the community (college knowledge, English classes, college prep, tax prep, health care, and everything else people struggle to grasp and navigate through).
Study Space
K-12 Tutoring
Computer Workstations
English Acquisition Lessons
Naturalization Test Assistance (Interns from local university)
Cultural Nights (Spoken word, musical performances, plays, and the such)
Community events (secular and religious)

2. Senior University Administrator
The thought has always crossed my mind to become a university president or vice president, but the contact with the community and students decreases as your title increases. None the less, I want to be in a position to create/implement policies that help all students be successful in college. In order to be in that position, some things are required. (Namely,a PhD, Years of Exp., Opportunity)

3. Enroll and Graduate from a Doctoral program.

4. Improve my surrounding community and increase the college-going aspirations of students

5. Attain my Masters and find a position in Outreach and College Prep programs.

"Everything i'm not, made me everything I am."

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