Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Grad School

So, I applied to graduate school with an intent to get a Masters in Education. I originally applied to UCLA, USC, and Indiana University. It has been suspenseful to say the least. I cant wait to get my acceptance letters and move on with my life.

Jan. 23- so now i have received an email from the student affairs office at Clemson University, which has made me think. They are offering an assistantship opportunity that would be for tuition, room, app fees, and provide a 10 month stipend...all this just to be a Res Life Director. WOW! Sounds amazing!!

Jan. 24- My first acceptance letter! So i was accepted to Indiana's Higher Ed program. Now i need to apply to assistanceships and faculty interviews. How exciting!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


nice blog...nice start to it anyway...looking forward to seeing you at Region VI RLC at BGSU in a few weeks--to exchange some war stories about life as a "red and buff road warrior!"

as it is becoming annoyingly typical recently, I owe the DX alumni from the state of Ohio a beer since tOSU beat Michigan in least I dont have to get a beer for Bossart! but Monte, Paul and Trent....