Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Grad School

So, I applied to graduate school with an intent to get a Masters in Education. I originally applied to UCLA, USC, and Indiana University. It has been suspenseful to say the least. I cant wait to get my acceptance letters and move on with my life.

Jan. 23- so now i have received an email from the student affairs office at Clemson University, which has made me think. They are offering an assistantship opportunity that would be for tuition, room, app fees, and provide a 10 month stipend...all this just to be a Res Life Director. WOW! Sounds amazing!!

Jan. 24- My first acceptance letter! So i was accepted to Indiana's Higher Ed program. Now i need to apply to assistanceships and faculty interviews. How exciting!!!

The power talk has...

So, like you know i have recently completed the A's Academy for Delta Chi. Here I met two wonderful people: Marlon Gibson and Caitlin Roberts. What can i say about my new friend Marlon. Wow, a pretty great inspiration. He reminded me of what i was missing, my initiative and drive. I now have my confidence restored and realize that change can happen anywhere. I do not have to wait for the next degree or class to be able to affect people in a positive manner. Thank you Martin Luther King, Jr. from advocating. Being the role model so many idealistic people strive to be. To be continued.

Im not American, European, French, Im Mexican, and ill go further

So, I am now in Cincinnati, Ohio. Where to start?

Lets see: My experience with a fully ethnic barbershop was amazing. They really do keep it real. It was great to see inner city people actually address the problems that the city has....drugs, prostitution, murder, and violence. In Daryll's Barber Shop I learned more about the city or atleast the shadows of the city then an newspaper, book, or tv show would tell me. The youth is in trouble and what are we going to do to keep them of the streets? Something has to happen

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A's Academy

So i am at St. Meinrad, Indiana at one of nine Archabbeys left in the world. It is much more than i expected. I have truly enjoyed the conversation with the seminarians and with the fathers of these archabbey. They are no different than me, yes the carry the cloth, but they too enjoy a game of basketball, watching some sportscenter, playing video games, and talking about politics. It has been a place to find tranquility and rest before i hit my long trek for delta chi. If you do not know by now, I will be traveling through Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, D.C., Michigan, Ontario CA, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. I feel like im running a campaign...every 3 to 4 days i am in another state.